The Proposal

    Agreeing to marry your ball-bustin’ boss to keep your job because her visa’s expired and she doesn’t want to leave the country? Yep – perfectly reasonable premise there. The stupidity unfolds as we discover that Ryan Reynolds’ character’s heir to an Alaskan business empire & is trying to claw his way into publishing because that’s what makes him tick, rather than any sort of economic imperative. And, lo-and-behold, they fall in love.  No idea what kept this film watchable – must’ve been the combination of Reynolds’ cheeky constant piss-taking (google Ryan Reynolds Hugh Jackman Feud for further examples), and Sandra Bullock’s incredible sense of humour and being up-for-it – since Miss Congeniality my opinion of Bullock’s totally changed and films like this (albeit torturously) remind me what a top sort she is.

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