One chapter finishes, another begins…Farewell lovely whisky shelves (built by the magnificent @whiskyrepublic) – there's no space for you in the nursery.
Funny, this bloke says he's an author, but it's the first time I've ever seen him in a bookshop… (I think that says more about me than him)Fascinating and impassioned talk to accompany his wonderful new book, "A Sense Of Place".Whisky is made by people.
Whatever next?Our child will be born in December, and I'm struggling with the idea that they will grow up assuming that all this sort of thing is perfectly normal.
We're enjoying a #JapaneseWhisky session at @thedusties tonight with @nathanshearer159 and I'm mindful of people saying "I wouldn't pay £X for a 12yo". And learning about the #Miyagikyo isn't really making that picture any clearer. Lovely whisky though innit.
Not so much an #emergencymartini as a #martiniemergency – you can use a twist of lime, right? #tastesgreattome #putlemonsontheshoppinglist #coldcoldgin