Almost forgot. I've been meaning to send this for a few weeks now, but anyway: in one of the lifts out of the Mornington Crescent tube station they've got a (somewhat dated) poster advertising a holiday show that was on
2006-01-30 : If I had a hammer…
Tolerance is a beautiful and commendable thing. There should be more of it – if there were I’m sure the world would be a better place. However we’re never going to reach such an ideal & placid utopian existence so
2006-01-26 : Looping head – wall interface
Ever had one of those days where you think it would have been better just to stay in bed ? Well I can't really spend too long on that, because that's exactly what I did yesterday. So today proves that
2006-01-23 : Sonorous significance
It's been a reasonably long-held belief of mine that life could be more interesting if we had our own soundtracks. I recall being castigated by my future ex-girlfriend at one point for attempting this experiment by the use of a
2006-01-20 : Arrrrrrrrrr! Thar she blows !
Everyone loves a whale story. Just spotted by Paul, my ever resourceful & observant Team Leader at work. For some reason, a 20 foot pilot whale has swum into the Thames, and was seen swimming past the Houses of Parliament
2006-01-18 : Captain Astute has entered the building
Went down to Camden Market the other day to show Ben & Sarah all the weird stuff down there… As a departure from the “normal” route, I thought we'd nip up & have a look at the completely awesome gallery
2006-01-13 : It’s getting a bit crowded in here…
Just noticed how many photos I've got on the ol' front page at the minute. Hope none of you guyrs are trying to look at this over dialup !! Hahahaaaaa. Got to type gently at the moment – after a
2006-01-12 : Now that’s just COOL !
When you see a poster for something called the Blue Man Group, showing a picture of what looks like 3 bald blue alien lookin' dudes, you can't help but wonder what in the hell it's all about. To be blunt
2006-01-09 : Journey to Cymru – the gripping conclusion !
No amount of slacking off describing this Wales trip can equal the other Wales trip, which I still haven't gotten around to writing up (and something tells me I might not, by this stage… but maybe if I have a
2006-01-07 : Woooooooooooooo!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy…!