I mean, it's not that I thought I'd already seen *everything*. But I wasn't expecting THAT. #belgiumman
I'm rather excited to have successfully copiloted my first ever wine tasting with this delightfully eclectic lineup with the utterly marvellous @espensenspirit and paired with exquisite @doughheadsbristol pizza! Of course I was so busy concentrating I forgot to take pictures of any of the important stuff (i.e the people, or the pizza). #bristolspirit #sparklingshiraz #omnomnom #chateaumusar #dandelionwine #dunleavy
I'll admit I'm no @meatrobot – but I'm pretty chuffed with this sandwich. #talkingturkey #hamitup #cheddar #pepper #cucumber #babygem #hovis
Adulting level-up – took delivery of my first ever proper wooden box of proper Bordeaux today! Like real wine enthusiasts do! #jeneregretterien #savethoseforlater #yum
Yesterday our new sideboard arrived, incongruously containing 3 (painted) books – Poems of William Dunbar, Impressionist Paintings in the Louvre, and Practical Information Far All. The latter includes many facts about modern life, including the correct certificates and insurance one needs, the Beaufort Wind Scale, useful abbreviations, and waxes lyrical about the world's GREATEST reference work, The Encyclopedia Britannica.