What a moment to realise that I've been to all the places these were made, and met (and am friends with) some of the people what makes ’em. So many more people involved I haven't met,but am grateful for every one. #lovescotch #loveislay #loveskye #lovewhisky
Poor little #larrybstanding has a cut on his paw, so we've patched him up with a sock and now he's chilling out & catching up on some telly.
Acting on a tip-off from @vividscreen I made sure I snapped up this @boutiqueywhisky bottle from @fleurieudistillery – and I'm delighted to be able to say IT'S DELICIOUS! What a treat to be able to try a single malt whisky made an hour's drive from where I grew up.
It's not every week you find yourself immortalised in bovine-cartoon-sticker form inside a whisky box… Reference to our @whiskysquad trip to @masterofmalt a way back when… @boutiqueywhisky #alltabhainne #pie #wheresthebeef
Can't begin to express what a relief it was not to get pulled over by the po-po on Sunday while rollin'round the manor in my SUV with a boot full of grass #supergreen #noweed #myhometurf #sod #etc
On Masterchef, when they say "everything rests on this last dish", they mean it. Once you're out that door you're straight on a barge to be shackled to a disused oil rig rusting in the North Sea. Nude. #nofilter #truestory #oilrigshacklesofinstagram