Idiotic shopping behaviour in your area left you without access to crisps? Never mind! You can always chow down on a tasty bag of MUSHROOMS! #mmmmm #imafungi #foodofthefuture #icollectsporesmoldsandfungus
I can't tell you how pleased I am to have the validation of seeing the word "spork" written down – for years I was corrected by people insisting they were called "splayds". But now, VINDICATION! #thenoodleswereawfulbytheway
The bloke in the shop said the Amaryllis would flower once every 2 years.I guess nobody bothered explaining that to the Amaryllis.
Got teatowel done!
People who’ve known me a while will know that I’m a bit of a fan of a cheesy souvenir teatowel, and some of you may also be up to speed with my feelings on Brexit. So when the Conservative Party