Anyone wanna know what a Sri Lankan Burger King menu looks like? It's this. #exotic #travelsfortheculture #jizbagsinsrilanka
Today's lunch: German Schnitzel with traditional accompaniment of thumping great slice of avocado. #ellaellaayay #jizbagsinsrilanka #schnitty
The truth in advertising movement has gained a foothold in Sri Lanka it seems. #partysupplies #skwoooooooooooo #jizbagsinsrilanka
Curious branding decision… #freshness #jizbagsinsrilanka
Sunday: a day where #larrybstanding graciously leads me to the park, then allows me to throw, hunt for, and retrieve a tennis ball, while he fucks around doing whatever he likes. #blessed #whydonttheymakeredtennisballs #fragrantjewels