Our hound, as ever extracting maximum value from the household comforts we provide for him. #larrybstanding
Good job Lord and Lady Whiteadder aren't coming to stay. #notaturnip
Nick Mason – A Saucerful of Secrets (Cardiff)
St David’s Hall has all the aesthetic appeal of a 1980s municipal swimming complex (“complex late brutalism”, according to Building Design magazine), but it’s where I found myself on the evening of April 29th. In a rare display of relevance,
#larrybstanding exploding from a stream in Warmley Forest yesterday.
I suppose its just as well they didn't call them "Nut shots".
Homebrew batch 3 underway – a Brewdog Elvis Juice style recipe which we've decided to split and try 3 yeast types with. #research #competence #yeasty #damnthattookalotlongerthanexpected
When I was growing up, I'm *sure* the solution to this issue used to be to mop the water up… #getwiththetimesgrandpa
Brexit: a few thoughts for posterity
Given that the UK’s decision to leave the European Union is not only one of the most significant political decisions made in this country in the last 70 or so years, but also about the *only* thing anybody’s been talking