A few hits from the back catalogue last night to celebrate #internationalwhiskyday – and the best way to enjoy #whisky is with mates. #lovescotch
Props to Rocky for bringing me these back from Singapore!
Hey, what’s the story with the crisps?
Growing up in Australia in the 80s we only had about 5 flavours of crisps. And, of course, we called them chips. Plain, Chicken, Salt & Vinegar, Cheese & Onion, and BBQ. And there were really only 2 brands to
#larrybstanding overseeing the slow roast lamb shoulder preparations by Mr & Mrs McJingles. #qualitymeat #larribo #farctate
Oh well, looks like it's another dose of this nonsense… #canceleverything #winteriscoming #quickbuyallthemilkandbreadintheworld
Enjoying a #Bristol moment – someone's taken the time and effort to write "Alreet me babber" in the dirt in the back of this ambulance.
Isn't having enormous garden gnomes somewhat missing the point? When do they stop being gnomes and just become statues of avuncular bearded men in hats?
Dear Henry…
For someone who’s worked in the tech industry since 1998 I’m constantly astounded at how frigging difficult I find it to do things. In this case, I’d been doing some work for someone on a WordPress site about 5 years