I’m a huge fan of Shaun Micallef, although I believe in Australia the reason he hasn’t been more commercially successful is that a lot of people don’t “get” him. This book is a collection of scripts from various shows he’s worked on, interspersed with opinion/analysis/storytelling & footnotes by Micallef (and, allegedly, his long-time collaborator Gary McCaffrie) which leaves me wondering, “What’s to get?”. The man’s genius is plain as day! A marvellous exponent of silliness and surrealism with many strings to his bow… this book was a great read. I got a bit lost on some of the more nuanced politics stuff (being out of Australia for 19 years now), but every few pages would be something that made me almost weep with delight. Like the inside back cover blurb – “We know a remote farm in Lincolnshire, where Mrs Buckley lives. Every July, peas gather there in great shoals”. When you know, you know.