OK, so I was ALWAYS gonna be watching this, and will watch it to completion unless it gets really dire. The world’s too rich not to. However, it’s worth registering at this point:
- they’re pretty bloody earnest, aren’t they? Totally lacks any of the sense of humour of its predecessor.
- The time elapsing business screwed me about a bit, what with the changing some actors partway in but not all. But I probably shouldn’t have been playing games on my phone whilst watching.
- Overall it was a pretty badass series, but it took until the final 3 episodes to get there. BIG difference between US and UK TV.
And then there’s the whole prequel/prearranged beats thing. And I guess the effect of the overall premise: I really had to go burrowing into nerdy fansites to understand whether or not The Wall existed, because it’s barely mentioned in this. Which, as a 700-foot high magical ice wall, you’d think it would be.